Gyldenholt Unbelted Tourney
January 29, 2000
The Champions of the day were:
This Tournament was run most capably by Inar MacConan.
The Marshals of the day were Michelle De Savigny, Nathaniel Longbow, Christopher -son of Kuma, Ulfblood, Lord Kuma and Lady Bridget Lucia MacKenzie.
The ListMistress was Liudmila Vladimirova doch. Thanks to everyone who helped!
This photo of Padraig receiving his Award of Arms did not turn
out very well, sorry!
Make that Lord Padraig!
These young Boffer warriors put on their Caidan blue
and white hoods and helmets.
MacConan (left) marshals two warriors.
Their Majesties watch Nathaniel Longbow in the finals.
Gyldenholt Minister of Children, Countess
Luciana, shows the feather fans that the Children made as part of their Arts entries. Like
the adult tournament, each combatant had to do an art project in order to buy a second
life in the tourney. In this case, the children made beautiful feather fans that were
given to King Edric and Queen Battista to present to Their Royal Cousins at Estrella War.
King Edric presents Inar
MacConan with a token for the ingenuity and devotion to service Inar showed in the running
of the Youth Boffer Tournament. Hizzah, Inar!
Email Lady Bridget if you have changes or updates to this page! Your input is welcome!
This page updated April 10, 2000
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