The SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) the parent organization of the Kingdom of Caid.
The SCA Childrens'
Page. Games, activities, and other fun stuff for kids to do in the SCA.
The Kingdom of Caid, CaidWeb. The Youth Boffer Tournament pages refer to events held within the Kingdom of Caid, which includes parts of California, Nevada and Hawaii.
Scholarum Caidis for Teenagers who are active in or are interested in the SCA and Middle Ages re-enactment.
The Kingdom of An Tir Boffer Program
The Kingdom of An Tir Whalebone Program
The Kingdom of Atenveldt Youth Activities Webpage. An exciting site from our cousins in Arizona and surrounding regions. Full of puzzles and games! Plus a complete Collegium on children's activities.
The Middle Kingdom Youth Combat in the Midrealm.
The Kingdom of Trimaris Youth Combat Handbook
This page updated February 18, 2004
Click here to return to main Youth Boffer Tournament page
This green laurel leaf on a yellow field is the device for The Society for Creative Anachronism. Learn more about heraldry on the SCA page!