This panorama
shows all the action in the eric as two Youth Boffer fighters
exchange blows: from left to right, Astridr (holding boffer
sword) encourages her son, Nathan, Thea (in white
veil), and Calista. Seated at the Lists table, Sabrina
of Carriag Wen, Nicholette (who also completed the
stitching for the Champion Prize Tabards) and Judwiga. Next
is our herald, Aine Quinlan (in green tunic), and
then Rosie Blackrune's Mom (with short boffer sword) cheering
on her daughter. Kneeling is a marshal ; the two fighters Nathan
and Rosie; another marshal; and Lord Kuma.
There is a lot going on as each bout takes place, and many wonderful folks are there to help make it all happen!
In addition to those above, Bridget's Special Thanks go to
ListMistress Elspeth of Foxes Den,
Marshals William De Rouen, Davin Mac Ballisker of Drakesheight,
Kevin the Undecided, Theodon the Restless and Richard
Volunteering to spend time during an event to help with the running of the Youth Boffer lists is certainly Service to the Crown, since these courageous children are the future Chivalry of Caid!
Two middle-age-group warriors battle while Her Majesty looks on.
Double kill!
To be re-fought immediately!
Two older-age group warriors engage while Her Majesty looks on.
In Their Majesties and Their Excellencies presence, Madam Ghislaine
receives her "Aud Aliquid Dignium" ring from Prince
Thomas. During several visits to Caid, His Highness gifted a few
special people with a ring, expressing this thanks to those who
made him welcome far from his home, the Principality of Cynagua.The
motto means 'Dare Something Worthy' - or by extension 'dare to
do something worthy'. See others
who received this award.
Lord Kuma and the Children are called to Closing Court.
Elizabeth (in pink gown) escorts her young-age-group Champion
brother, Nathan, up to court. Nathan wore the favor his sister
made for him into battle.
The Queen's Champions in each age group:
Young (3-6) - Nathan Erikr (4)
Middle (7-9) - Randy (7)
Older (10-16) - Nathaniel Longbow (14)
Each child brings a yellow paper rose to the Queen during Closing
Court. These roses were made during the day in the youth activities
It was a day of honor for the Queen, and lots of fun for everyone
who attended!
This page updated June 14, 2000
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