This was the entire compliment of warriors on the Sunday Melee.
17 youths in armor and on the field at one time!
there was a dazzling array of new armor and weapons. 3.Aluminum
Templar helmet made by the late Sir Alessander. 4. Padded tunic
and the biggest shield on the field!
5 6
5. Shield with heart device 6.Shield with cross/Moon device
7.These matched-livery brothers had a Great Sword and pair of
short swords.
8 9
8. In the Double Elimination Tourney on Saturday, two fighters
"Lay-on!" 9. Young Joseph of Blackened
Pot shakes hands with his opponent, and student.
Sunday - Melees
10 11
10. Marshal Rowen of Altavia (in grey, center back) monitors the
action at the Castle Gate. 11. "They've broken through!"
12 13
12 The Bridge Battle
13 The Shield Wall
14 15
14 "One has broken through!" 15 Lord Kuma hands out
awards and prizes for the Champions in each age group.
Because we had so many contestants,
we could have all four age group classifications:
The Potrero Champions in each age group were:
Young (6 and under) - Collin and Robert (tie)
Middle (7-9) - Christopher (7)
Intermediate (10-13) - Richard of Wree
Older (14-16) - Sigmund
Our Marshals were Rowan of Altavia,
Runwulf of Corvus, Serenity, Arthur, Brandon of Corvus, Rhodidian
Brie, and Leopold Der Er Forler.
Our Lists were run by Clarianda and Aidan MacPherson.
These wonderful people stood out in the hot sun and helped us
make this event happen. Great thanks to all you noble gentles.
Please send Bridget corrections and
updates to these photos.
This page updated April 23, 2000
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