1. While Their Excellencies, Baron Robert and Baroness Therese look on, Lord Kuma readies the next bout.
2. Herald Tasar and a young fighter
3. Two marshals check to see if Elizabether and Christopher are
ready to "lay-on!"
4. Elizabeth faces her opponent
5. A mini-melee with two teams of two fighters
6. Christopher brings an opponent to his knees
7. Our fighters helmeted up, ready for battle
8. The kids showing their happy faces!
9. The closing court of the Angels' May Day Tournament
10. Rosie Blackrune, the 6-and-under age group winner, slept through
the ceremonies.
11. Christopher, the 7-9 age-group-winner, receives his award
from Baron Robert
13. As the new Youth Boffer Officer of Angels, Bridget receives
two new boffer swords in the Baronial colors of red and yellow.
14. Rosie wakes up to have her picture taken with Their Excellencies
and her fellow winners
This page updated August 22, 1999
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