Event Photos

arms of Caid

April 3, 1999 - March Hare Tourney/Heatherwyne

On a cold day in spring the combatants braved the chill air and biting cold to present themselves on the field of battle.
Sir Christeane (kneeling) and Lord Kuma (in horse tail helmet) have just completed a bout. Kuma's son, Christopher and Sir Christeane's squire, Kevin  (in purple and white tunic) exchange playing cards as part of the March Hare competition. Lord Angus (green tam) on far right is Marshal of the Field. Lord Thomas Greenbriar on far left and another Marshal, Davin MacAllister of Drake's Height (in blue cloak), look on.

Two young Boffer fighters lay on while the marshals and proud father (on left) look on.

photo Champion of 10+ year category, Kevin, shows how it is done.

photo Champion of 7-9 year category: Christopher, with Lord Kuma.

This page updated July 7, 1999
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