Tournament on Friday- The Champions:
Age category 10-13 - Devin
Age Category 14-16 - Nathaniel Longbow
The Honorary Mongolian Princess and Russian Princess bestow tokens of their appreciation on victorious fighters, who fought for their honor.
Nathanial Longbow strikes a pose
Fighting from a haybale castle, 10 warriors at a time worked in teams of 5 to attack or defend. There were 2 melee groups, one of younger warriors, later a second of older warriors. It was glorious!
is ready for battle!
Lord Kuma reviews the rules with the Melee Teams
And below are photos sent by Karin nic Dhavbhidh. Thanks, m'lady!:
Special thanks to the Boffer Marshals: William le Fendur, Harry Blodgett, Lord Norman Shafter, Calum Stiubhard, and Karin nic Dhavbhidh. Lady Mairin ben Dhiarmait not only ran Tournament Lists, but also Heralded.
This page updated April 23, 2000
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