Write to the Bridget if you have photos of Youth Boffer events that we can post here!.
The number in parens indicates number of warriors in each age group. The name indicates the winner of each age group. (Teka with Bridget) means that Teka was running the event for her Boffer Deputy training sign-off, under Bridgets supervision.
January 26 Gyldenholt Unbelted (Bridget and Kuma) Up to 6 (3) Nathaniel of Freiburg, 7-9 (8) Murdoch (aka "DJ", Queen's Boffer Champion, and son of Samantha Marine), 10-13 (9) Adam (son of Uaine and Varr of Hemet), 14-16 (none).
Run by Bridget, assisted by Kuma, Vaar and Agelastus (Calafian Baronial Guard, fighter who was injured and could not fight so he helped with Boffers, we need more like him!) James of the Lake made great pomp and ceremony heralding our bouts, which certainly added to the effect. We ran several melee war scenarios before the actual tourney, which the kids love doing! We limit the melees to 7 and up, and keep the teams balanced during melee fighting.
February 17 Estrella War (Bridget). Up to 6 (10) Casandra, 7-9 (12) Jonathan, 10-13 (35) YES THAT IS THIRTY FIVE KIDS IN ONE AGE GROUP! Sarah, 14-16 (9) James de Burger.
Since I did not know when there might be court to give the kids their prizes, I took a trick from Pennsic and awarded the prizes myself at the end of each age group's tourney. Although I am nothing royal to give the moment the air of authority it deserves, this way I was sure the kids and their parents were all there to see the award presented. I had beaded necklaces that I had made myself for the prizes. I also gave out "most chivalrous" and "best death" prizes as determined by myself and my marshals.
I ran the tourney under "Caidan Rules", flying the Caidan Ministry of Children banner for all to see! Under Caidan rules, I refused those wanting to bring Dad's steel helm and scutum shields onto the field, and asked them to use other gear. Most all accepted the slight differences in our rules compared to Atenveldt rules as merely different ways of playing the game. The reason for these changes are to spare damage to the Kingdom swords, which are beat up badly enough on plastic helms and foam pads. Most of the Aten kids had their own armor and knew enough of the rules to do just fine. I was very impressed by their progress!
In marshalling, I was assisted by Marcus (a blessed man, Atenveldt Minister of Boffers), Heinrich and Storm (both from Naevehejm), Nathaniel Longbow (who has been boffer champion many times over the past few years, now is too old to play and is readying his Heavy Weapons armor. He came over to assist and marshal for me). Also marshalling were Arthur the Red (of Calafia, he has assisted me a number of times in the past at Potrero and Calafian events), Samantha Marine, and Lord Martin. Calum of Starkhafn waded in and took on the daunting task of organizing that horrific 35-kid List, which included additional lives for those with their own armor. Half of those assisting me were Caidan, the other half were regulars on the Atenveldt Boffer scene. This was an excellent example of inter-kingdom cooperation and coordination. Between each of the age group bouts, Master Gwylym of Atenveldt brought out a group of older Aten kids in nearly-Heavy armor to perform Pas d'Arms for the assembled audience. This went very well and was very well received. There was a huge audience of parents and families, at least a hundred folks at once! The event lasted about 3.5 grueling hours.
March 3 Collegium in Heatherwyne. Bridget taught classes, Boffer Deputy Training
March 16 - Lyondemere/Nordwache Friendship Tourney - Wintermist (Lishka)
March 23 - Starkhafn Anniversary (Teka with Bridget)
March 30 - Heatherwyne March Hare (Margaret with Bridget)
April 13 - King's Hunt/Isles Anniverasry in Carrig Wen (Isolde with Bridget) Up to 6 (2) Kieran (son of Alexander and Isolde Baird, 7-9 (6) Julianna of Deteriorata, 10-13 (3) Eric of Harshburg, 14-16 (0).Gideon, a fighter and dad of one of the fighters assisted with marshalling a few rounds.
April 27 - Treasure Chest - Nordwache (Lishka with Bridget)
May 4 - Mons Draconis May Day Tourney - Dreiburgen (Kevin with Bridget)
May 11 - Altavia Anniversary (Bridget)
Up to 6 (3) Nathaniel Rogers, 7-9 (5) Alexis, 10-13 (2) Shaun of Altavia, 14-16 (1) Sam. Marshals: Teka, Augustine von Freburg, Dvin MacAlister. Herald: Logan Tekason and his sister Alexis (children).
May 25-26 - Potrero War (Clariandra/Aiden/Arthur with Bridget)
Friday Torchlight Tourney 8:00pm
Saturday Afternoon War Melees 2-4:00pm
June 9, Queen's Champion in Gyldenholt (Bridget) - Up to 6 (6) Jared, 7-9 (4) Dhu (Ulf), 10-13 (7) Robert McLabruinn, 14-16 (5) Thor Karlseen. Marshals: Robert MacOwen, Jason of Starkhafn, Colam Steinsbhard, Thor Karlssen, Ramon. Herald: Logan Tekason. Listmistress Samarah.
June 22, Gyldenholt Anniversary (Moira with Kuma)
July 6, Heatherwyne Anniversary (Moira) in Dreiburgen
July 13 - Crown Prints Prize Tourney - Heatherwyne
July 19 - Friday night Torchlight Tourney at Darkwell War (Lishka)
August 10 - Nordwache Acadamia (Lishka)
August 10 Leodamus of Thebes Calafia (Moira and Arthur with Kuma)
August 24-25 Academy of the Sword - Saturday - Boffer Practice all day with Knights & other fighters -Cal Tech (Bridget) Taught Boffer Deputy class to Jens inn Draumspaki, Helga iden Dohtir, Moira inghean Canonach and Lucia Zaffarana of Heatherwyne. Sunday Boffer Melees Arcadia Park (Lishka)
August 31 - Highland War - Al-Sahid (Teka with Bridget) - Up to 6 (4) Logan Tekason, 7-9 (3) Alexis Killians daughter, 10-13 (10) Seresis, 14-16 (6) Trey of Starkhafn. Marshals: Killian MacTaggart, Diego Cortez, Ulfblook Berserker, Rolf Vincent MacPherson, Havelok MacClellan Iain Mac Canocach.
September 7 - Angels' Anniversary (Bridget). - Up to 6 (none), 7-9 (2) Brie, 10-13 (3) Rafael Son of Darkhawke, 14-16 (4) William of Dartmuth. Marshals: Nathaniel Longbow, William of Dartmuth, Rosie Blackrune, Finnguala.
September 28-29 - Collegium - Calafia (Bridget) Boffer Deputy Training
October 5 Marco Polo Tourney in Altavia (Moira with Bridget) Up to 6 (none), 7-9 (4) Kyle MacOwen, 10-13 (4) Shaun of Altavia, 14-16 (none).
October 11-12 Great Western War (Samarah with Bridget).
Friday night Torchlight Tourney Up to 6 (7)Green Ogre, 7-9 (10) Alexis (Tekas daughter), 10-13 (13) Pembroke Macconal from Atenveldt, 14-16 (7) William of Dartmuth. Marshals Kuma, Lishka, Chad, Navarre, Nathaniel, Teka, John Bettencourt, children Kyle MacOwen and Rosie Blackrune. The corresponding Pizza Revel drew many families to this event which lasted 2.5 hours. Lighting set up by GWW Electrician Franchesco was MUCH appreciated.
Saturday War Melees lasted 2 hours and were played on the Haybale Castle until Court setup forced us out into the fields. Approximately 45 children played in the meless, up to 25 at any one time!
October 26 - Dreiburgen Anniversary (Moira)
November 17 - Queen's Champion in Lyondemere (Kevin with Bridget) - Up to 6 () Jared Coe of Calafia, 7-9 (8)Megan ferch Morgan, 10-13 (9) Robert ap Morgan (her brother), 14-16 William of Dartmouth. Marshals Brieanna Halwulf (child), Kyle MacEogan (child), William of Dartmuth, Kevin OGallagher, Robert Wright of Darach. Heralds: Dame Selene Colfox, children Jasmine and Brenda.
This page updated March 2, 2003
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