Write to the Bridget if you have photos of Youth Boffer events that we can post here!. Parenthesis notes how many kids played in each age group.
Schuyler House/Altavia Heavy Weapons
Tourney, October 20, 2001
Up to 6 (3) Christian McBride, 10-13 (4) Eve MacKay. Run by Bridget,
Wolfe assisted.
Dreiburgen Anniversary, October 7,
Up to 6 (4) Michael Green of Gyldenholt, 7-9 (3) Serena, 10-13
(4) Rolf MacPhearson, 14-16 (2) Carrie Blackrune.
Run by Bridget, assisted by Noric of the Northmen, Ulfblood, Ghislaine
of Calafia,
Naevehjem Anniversary November 3,
Up to 6 (5) Tyrstin, 7-9 (3) Murdock, 10-13 (2) Zoe
Run by Storm, Lists by Teka Turmanov, Marshals Bridget, Sigmond,
Gregory, Morgan
Calafia 30th Anniversary, November
10, 2001
Up to 6 (2) Paul, 7-9 (4) Robert, 10-13 (4) Marie, 14+ (3) Jeff.
Run by Bridget, Lists by Myfanny, Marshals Arthur the Red, Baron
Queen's Champion, Starkhafn, November
18, 2001
Up to 6 (3) Antonius Maximus of the Slugs, 7-9 (3) Merdoch, 10-13
(2) Sarah Mulder of Shadowhawk, 14+ (2) Lord Trey of Starkhafn.
Run by Bridget, Lists by Teka Turmanov, Marshals Trey, Lord Marcus
of Atenveldt.
Write to the WebMistress if you have photos of your Youth Boffer events.
This page updated March 2, 2003
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